Monday, September 30, 2013

Lewis Hine's Photos of Child Labor

            I chose this photo because I believe this photo describes how hard life was for young children of this time. Children at the time were forced to work in order to help support their families. This specific photo shows a young boy who just came back form working in a mine. At the time children did all kinds of dangerous jobs, such as mining, and working in mills. Many would lose limbs, get diseases, or die in horrible accidents. At the time children were also paid less than women were. They would be used to do jobs that only small bodied persons could be, and forced to work. If they weren't doing horrible jobs like working in mines, they were working as farm hands, or doing anything they could to guarantee a meal on the table for their families and themselves. If not for the child labor laws, the kids of todays world would be very uneducated, and suffer from these horrible wages and working conditions.

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