Monday, September 30, 2013

Lewis Hine's Photos of Child Labor

            I chose this photo because I believe this photo describes how hard life was for young children of this time. Children at the time were forced to work in order to help support their families. This specific photo shows a young boy who just came back form working in a mine. At the time children did all kinds of dangerous jobs, such as mining, and working in mills. Many would lose limbs, get diseases, or die in horrible accidents. At the time children were also paid less than women were. They would be used to do jobs that only small bodied persons could be, and forced to work. If they weren't doing horrible jobs like working in mines, they were working as farm hands, or doing anything they could to guarantee a meal on the table for their families and themselves. If not for the child labor laws, the kids of todays world would be very uneducated, and suffer from these horrible wages and working conditions.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Native American Name (2)


          The first half on my Native American name is Deer. I chose this because the deer is a fast animal and I believe that it properly describes me. Deer is one of the lowest amount of fats, when It comes to their meat, so I think that due to my small size and low percentage of fat, this properly describes me physically. I also believe that the deer is an animal that will avoid confrontation, unless it is forced to fight, which is something that I would also believe in. this is why I believe that the first name deer describes me.
          I chose the second name Fish because it is something I'm very passionate about. whenever I have free time I go fishing. when I'm not fishing I'm either sleeping, eating, or working. Its what I do when I'm feeling stressed, and what I spent most of my summer vacation doing. Whether or not it I'm ice fishing in the freezing cold, or fishing off of a rock into the Merrimack, there will always be time for fishing. I spent over 300$ on fishing gear this summer, and I believe that there is nothing better than a cold drink, and a fishing rod. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Native American Portraits

              The Native American experience with western expansion was a horrible one. With the Americans forcing them off of their own land, they were basically forced to leave their homes and be forced to live on small amounts of land. as the Americans began to make budget cuts, they began to supply the Native Americas with less and less, forcing many into starvation and death. At the beginning when the war was still going on, the American killed off all of the Indian supplies. By eliminating the buffalo, the Americans were getting profit for themselves off of the skin, and getting food to feed the soldiers, but the native Americans were stuck with nothing. when they were left with no supply of food, they were forced to have the American government help them. Another affect on the Native Americans was that the Americans were forcing them to end the practice of their religion. The Americans tried to force their own religion onto the native Americans, and to make sure that they would except them, the Americans made it against the law to do anything related to Native American religions, including singing, dancing, and even praying to the wrong god. To be forced out of your homes and to be made to believe a new religion must have been a traumatizing experience, leaving the Native American's with a lasting hatred towards the Americans who ruined their ways of life.