Monday, June 9, 2014

Time Line

1980- Afghanistan soldiers are fighting a war against the soviet invasion with a large mass of Muslim heritage groups.
Soldiers fighting in Afghanisatn trying to fight against the soviet invasion
1984- Osama Binladin uses his money and past sources to fund the new creation of the jihad network.
Osama Binladen

1990- Saudis chose president Bush over Osama for protection from the invading forces led by Husain, causing Osama to become enraged with the United States because he felt it as a sign of disrespect.
Geroge Bush greeting U.S. soldiers aiding the soldiers in the fight against invading forces

1993- Bombing of the Twin Towers causes 6 American deaths, but failed to take down the trade centers.
Damage done in the first trade center attacks

1994- Osama begins to ensure that Al-Qaida is now international , and has special members everywhere in the world ready to do whatever is required for Allah.
Map of the Jihad network
1995- Egyptian graduate preforms a Haj, which converts him into the religion of Allah and is the main reason he engineered the necessary materials to terrorize the U.S.
Hajj movements

 1996- In Germany, Mohammed Atta Inters while recieveing a masetrs degree, and due to being bullied and oppressed, forces him to embrace the Islamic religion war.
Mohammed Atta

2000- Terrorist bombs U.S. ships
U.S. ship being taken down by terrorist
2001- Terrorist seen on footage entering airport
Terrorists inside of the airport on 9/11/2001
2001- Terrorists bomb the U.S. trade center
9/11.2001 Twin Towers are atttacked

Monday, April 14, 2014

Civil Rights Events Blog

This is an article about the problems with segregation in the board of education. The argument in the Brown V. Board of Education was that the segregation of schools was against the 14th amendment. This was the ending of the "separate but equal", and allowed the desegregation of schools.
After the Rosa Parks incident, there was a boycott of all busses, and blacks refuse to take the bus. During the time, they carpooled, and walked everywhere. the loss in money for the bus station and government was so great that they were force to change the laws and give blacks equal rights on the bus.  
In the little rock school crisis, small black children were forced to endure harsh interviews and ridiculous amounts of harassment because they wanted to attend a white only school.
During the times of segregation, there were a large amount of non violent protest and sit-ins. Blacks who participated in these were vigorously beaten with no consequences to the attackers.
One of the biggest protests was the one in Birmingham,. During this time, people were harassed so badly because they wanted to vote, and it got to the point where they would spray blacks away with fire hoses, and even beat many to death.
During the march on Washington, thousands of people showed up to Washington to show their dismay and refused to leave. In this very place is where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Holocaust Blog

The definition of the word "Holocaust" is destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. In a historical definition the word describes the terrible torture and hard times the Jews had to face while the Nazi Party killed them in mass numbers, and stripped them of their rights. The Jews were forced to go through horrible experiences, and suffer from things many people would rather die than to go through them. One major thing the Nazis did to the Jews was stripping them of rights. One thing they took away was their right to stay out as late as they want. the Nazis enforced curfews, and punishment of disobeying was beatings and death. They also made them live in small areas of poverty, taking away their right to choose where they live, and stripping them of their belonging. They also only allowed the Jews to hold a certain amount of money at a time, and anything else either had to be hidden or would be taken away. They had no freedom of speech, and even had to have hidden underground newspaper, to make sure that the Nazis wouldn't find out. Many people even had to stop hiring Jews for workers because they were afraid of their businesses being destroyed, or vandalized. eventually they forced all males to go work in labor camps, and made them loses all of their belongings, besides the close on their backs. Jews had to go through starvation, and beatings, and random assassinations. The torture they went through almost wiped their whole race and religion off the planet. the question at the time was "Why?".

This is a photo of a box of wedding ring stolen from Jews and hidden inside of salt mines, found by Americans after the liberation.

This is a picture of a dead man, who suffered from savage beatings and malnourishment, so bad that he couldn't stand up.

Another dead body, where you can clearly see the starvation he was forced t suffer, and everything was taken from him, even his clothes.

This is a picture of a mans dead body from when he tried to escape a concentration camp, and died trying to cross a barbed wire fence.

This is piles of the dead, who were all starved and naked and beaten, found after the liberation of the Jews, so they can receive a proper burial.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl was a period in the 1930's where a series of sever dust storms covered certain regions in America, causing crops to die, and a failure in the productivity in farms. During this time there was also a huge drought that covered these same regions, making it nearly impossible to grow food. The winds were so strong, that any dirt that was no rooted to the ground, or filled with moisture, were thrown into the air, where they sometimes blackened the skies.

Map of where the dust bowl affected


Dorothea Lange. Damaged Child, Shacktown, Elm Grove, Oklahoma. 1936