Monday, June 9, 2014

Time Line

1980- Afghanistan soldiers are fighting a war against the soviet invasion with a large mass of Muslim heritage groups.
Soldiers fighting in Afghanisatn trying to fight against the soviet invasion
1984- Osama Binladin uses his money and past sources to fund the new creation of the jihad network.
Osama Binladen

1990- Saudis chose president Bush over Osama for protection from the invading forces led by Husain, causing Osama to become enraged with the United States because he felt it as a sign of disrespect.
Geroge Bush greeting U.S. soldiers aiding the soldiers in the fight against invading forces

1993- Bombing of the Twin Towers causes 6 American deaths, but failed to take down the trade centers.
Damage done in the first trade center attacks

1994- Osama begins to ensure that Al-Qaida is now international , and has special members everywhere in the world ready to do whatever is required for Allah.
Map of the Jihad network
1995- Egyptian graduate preforms a Haj, which converts him into the religion of Allah and is the main reason he engineered the necessary materials to terrorize the U.S.
Hajj movements

 1996- In Germany, Mohammed Atta Inters while recieveing a masetrs degree, and due to being bullied and oppressed, forces him to embrace the Islamic religion war.
Mohammed Atta

2000- Terrorist bombs U.S. ships
U.S. ship being taken down by terrorist
2001- Terrorist seen on footage entering airport
Terrorists inside of the airport on 9/11/2001
2001- Terrorists bomb the U.S. trade center
9/11.2001 Twin Towers are atttacked

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