The definition of the word "Holocaust" is destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. In a historical definition the word describes the terrible torture and hard times the Jews had to face while the Nazi Party killed them in mass numbers, and stripped them of their rights. The Jews were forced to go through horrible experiences, and suffer from things many people would rather die than to go through them. One major thing the Nazis did to the Jews was stripping them of rights. One thing they took away was their right to stay out as late as they want. the Nazis enforced curfews, and punishment of disobeying was beatings and death. They also made them live in small areas of poverty, taking away their right to choose where they live, and stripping them of their belonging. They also only allowed the Jews to hold a certain amount of money at a time, and anything else either had to be hidden or would be taken away. They had no freedom of speech, and even had to have hidden underground newspaper, to make sure that the Nazis wouldn't find out. Many people even had to stop hiring Jews for workers because they were afraid of their businesses being destroyed, or vandalized. eventually they forced all males to go work in labor camps, and made them loses all of their belongings, besides the close on their backs. Jews had to go through starvation, and beatings, and random assassinations. The torture they went through almost wiped their whole race and religion off the planet. the question at the time was "Why?".