Monday, October 28, 2013

Red Sox

I chose this photo to represent the hard work and team effort of the Red Sox because it shows them celebrating. The Red Sox have come a long way this season, and have been what some call the bringers of new hope. Every fan is relying on the Red Sox to be able to carry on the hope and spirit of Boston in memory of the bombing. Boston red sox are now branded with the saying "Boston Strong". The team is fueled by all of the excitement and energy given by the  fans, and the fans are fueled by how the Red Sox are the representatives of Boston. If not for the hardship and the teamwork combined with the hope and inspiration from fans, I don't believe they would have gone as far as they have.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ellis Island

At the time that this photo was taken, many different kinds of people were coming an going from the U.S.. Many people would come just to visit, and see what life was like in America, where as others would come to live here because they had heard of many different kinds of opportunity. As seen in this photo, a Jewish and his wife had come to America. Many of reasons could have caused them to come here, whether or not they were trying to escape religious prosecution, or coming in order to start a new life in the "land of opportunity".

The people who came to America came from all over the world. Maay came from Europe, such as the Jewish people in the photo above, while others had come from Canada, Scandinavia, and even Africa. No matter where they had come from, whoever they were, they were welcomed into the U.S with open arms, after they went through the process of the Ellis Island. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Present Day Child Labor

I chose this photo because I personally know how hard it is to work in car and auto mechanics repair, and for someone to be like him and be young, that would be a hard job to do. I also chose this picture because this is a very dangerous job as well as a hard job, as shown right here where the boy is under a car. This is a very good description of how bad child labor in other countries has gotten, but I also feel as though it is better than before, when young children were working in the mills. The child labor laws may be a bit excessive in some places, but here is a place where they should be enforced.